Plaid House Group Home

Plaid House is a group home for up to ten teenagers who are placed through the New Jersey Children’s System of Care. The ages of the youth range from 14-19 years and referrals are accepted from anywhere in New Jersey. Each resident has their own bedroom and shares a bathroom with only one other youth. Plaid House is a community-based program that provides an array of therapeutic services. The program provides an opportunity for residents to learn and grow through daily living experiences.
Each resident has an individual plan which is developed with the youth and their family which identifies the goals that will be achieved during placement. The program provides a number of therapeutic activities including art therapy, pet therapy, yoga as well as individual and group therapy. There is also a program of recreational activities and the opportunity for residents to exercise regularly using the equipment on site.
Plaid House emphasizes the engagement of family in the treatment throughout a youth’s stay. The social workers offer weekly family sessions and are on site until 8 p.m. Monday through Thursday and until 5 p.m. Friday to accommodate families’ schedules. The program is committed to meeting the needs of Spanish speaking youth and their families. One of the social workers and several of the youth counselors are bi-lingual. In addition, the Plaid House psychiatrist, who comes to the house to see the residents, is also bi-lingual.

Thenen House

Thenen House is a supervised transitional living program which offers five young adult women the opportunity to develop their independent living skills in a supportive environment. All residents are expected to be involved in a full time program which includes education and employment. Everyone also participates in taking care of the house and shares household responsibilities including cooking. Residents are encouraged to continue with education beyond high school and can remain at Thenen House until their 21st birthday which allows for them to attend college while still receiving financial and emotional support.
The majority of the youth who enter the program have experienced previous out of home placements and are now preparing themselves to be successful independent adults. Each resident has an individual plan that they develop with the team to identify the skills they need to be successful. These may include financial planning, employment skills, career planning, communication and social skills.
Four of the rooms are open to clients of the Division of Child Protection and Permanency (DCP&P) and one room is designated for a homeless young adult. Referrals from DCP & P must be aged 18-20 years whose cases with the Division will remain open. The bed for a homeless youth is accessed through the Adolescent Housing Hub and is for a young adult aged 18-20 years.

Aging Out Program
The Aging Out Program is a life skills program that supports adolescents in their transition to adulthood. The goal of the program is to prepare youth for independence by providing them with the information, skills and support they need to be successful adults. The Life Skills Counselor works individually with each youth to assist them to achieve their goals. The services are delivered in the youth’s resource home or in the community.
When a youth first enters the program a life skills assessment is completed to help determine needs and develop a plan. This plan identifies the youth’s needs in the areas of housing, job training and education, financial stability and health. The program encourages youth to explore their education goals beyond high school and will facilitate tours of colleges and vocational training opportunities.
Participants in the program are youth involved with the Division of Child Protection and Permanency (DCP&P) aged 14 through 20 years and in an out of home placement, or are 18 to 20 years old and in their own apartment. Referrals are accepted from Morris, Passaic, Sussex and Warren counties.